Antivirus is the most necessary program for the proper operation of a computer
MakAV Desktop Edition
1) Real-time protection against malware and dangerous files
2) Scan internal and external drives, folders and files
3) Scan for dangerous registry files (surface and deep)
4) Registry cleanup and reset
5) Registry backup and re-import
6) Anti-Ransomware tool
7) Anti-Rootkit tool
8) Anti-Keylogger via virtual keyboard
9) Secure online environment for secure browsing, online banking, government online applications, etc
10) Cloud for ransomware protection (if you enable it, it automatically backs up your images,
videos and documents every day and uploads them to MakAV Cloud)
11) Url checker (checks websites for malware before you visit them)
12) Sandbox (run apps and files with complete security on virtual enviroment)
13) Protection external drives from viruses with write protection
14) Preventing viruses entering from removable devices
15) Protecting your personal data via password (lock - unlock)
Our suite helps you solve any MakAV Desktop edition antivirus problem without the presence of technical support
MakAV Suite Edition
1) Find bugs coming from MakAV desktop version
2) Fix error coming from MakAV desktop edition
Before you run any file, check it through our live scanner so you're always safe
MakAV Cloud Edition
1) Find files infected with malware with a single click
2) Logging history of malware detected on your devices
3) Log history of files you scanned with malware
We strongly believe that in cyber security, prevention is everything. We are of the ideology that malware should be detected before it enters the computer and for this reason we apply various innovative methods and techniques for fast and safe virus detection. If a virus is not detected immediately, it can seriously damage system files in no time.